Agenda for HUA, Council meetings 9-21-2023

Agenda for HUA, Council meetings 

The Heavener Utilities Authority and City Council will meet in regularly scheduled business meetings 6 p.m. Thursday in Heavener’s City Hall at 103 East Avenue B in Heavener.

Here are the agendas


  1. Approval of minutes from previous meeting.
  2. Approval of purchase orders presented for payment.
  3. Consider, discuss, and take action to appoint new City Manager Ty Armstrong as the Heavener Utility Authority’s representative to the PVIA Board.
  4. Consider, discuss, and take action to approve a raised spending limit of $50,000.00 for new City Manager Ty Armstrong, invoices will be provided at the following meeting with the City Manager’s report.
  5. New Business / Public Comments (the public will be recognized by the chairman from a sign-in sheet where each citizen wishing to address the board of trustees shall sign their name and the request or purpose for being recognized).
  6. Treasurer’s report and financial statements
  7. City manager’s report
  8. Water superintendent’s report
  9. Trustee’s/chairman’s report
  10. Adjourn

City Council

  1. Approval of minutes from previous meeting.
  2. Approval of purchase orders presented for payment.
  3. Consider, discuss, and take action to approve the $100 increase to the monthly amount paid to the Heavener Cemetery Association for mowing. This brings the monthly amount up to $2,025.
  4. Consider, discuss, and take action on proposed paving project on school route.
  5. Consider, discuss, and take action on expansion of ordinances for code violations concerning vehicles.
  6. Consider, discuss, and take action to appoint 2 new members to the Heavener Utility Authority Board of Trustees.
  7. Consider, discuss, and take action to appoint 1 new member to the Planning Commission.
  8. Consider, discuss and take action to approve the following businesses yearly permits to sell alcohol in the City of Heavener:


  1. Harps
  2. Family Dollar



  1. Sooner Liquor
  2. New Business / Public Comments (the public will be recognized by the Mayor from a sign-in sheet, where each citizen wishing to address the city commission, shall sign their name and the request or purpose for being recognized).
  3. Treasurer’s report and financial statements
  4. City manager’s report
  5. Trustee’s/chairman’s report
  6. Adjourn

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Craig Hall
Publisher and owner of Heavener Ledger and